NOTE Stonehouse fundraise for Crisis at Christmas

We want to say a big thank you to all our employees at NOTE Stonehouse who got into the festive spirit, wearing a Christmas jumper on our last working day in December 2021.

They raised a fantastic £105 to donate to Crisis*, who provide help for the homeless.

Chris Evans, QA and Engineering Manager, dressed as Santa and Neville Whitham, Managing Director, dressed as the Grinch – great costumes!


*At Christmas and throughout the year, Crisis helps people directly out of homelessness and campaigns for the social changes needed to solve it altogether. Each Christmas they mobilise a unique volunteering effort to provide warmth, companionship and vital services to people facing homelessness.

2021 marked the 50th anniversary of the Crisis Christmas centres. Back in 1971, Crisis volunteers hosted the very first ‘Open Christmas’ with shelter and food for people experiencing homelessness. Fast forward to 2021, and volunteers are still as integral as ever to our work during Christmas.