
An integrated management system (IMS) is a management system, integrating all relevant components of a business into one coherent system to enable the optimal achievement of its business objectives. All systems relevant to the business, whether certifiable or otherwise, can be included in IMS. These could include ISO 9001; ISO 14001 & ISO 45001.

Against this background and with ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 firmly under the belt, NOTE Windsor’s ISO 45001 journey begins in January 2023 with NOTE Stonehouse planning for 2024.

Why is this important?

Every day, thousands of lives are lost due to work accidents or fatal diseases linked to work activities. These are deaths that could and should have been prevented and must be in the future. ISO 45001 aims to help organisations do just that and is the international standard in Occupation Health and Safety Management Systems. Replacing the current OHSAS 18001, it paves a way towards fewer workplace injuries and illnesses through a proactive approach to hazard identification and risk assessment, leading to improved organisational health and safety.

OH&S is not treated as ‘stand alone’

At NOTE in the UK, OH&S is not treated as a “stand alone” but is viewed within the perspective of running a sound and sustainable organisation. We are committed to ensuring that health and safety management is a core part of how we do business.

Some benefits of ISO 45001

The benefits of ISO 45001 are endless when implemented correctly. While the standard requires that OH&S risks be addressed and controlled, it also takes a risk-based approach to the OH&S management system itself, to ensure that it is effective and that it is being continually improved to meet an organisation like NOTE’s ever-changing “context”. These measures combined will entrench NOTE’s reputation as a “safe place to work”, bringing a host of corollary benefits, from reducing insurance costs to improving employee morale – all while continuing to meet our strategic targets. In addition, mental health and wellbeing in the workplace is becoming more widely recognised as an area vital to employee welfare.
Many of the requirements of ISO 45001 include areas where mental health can play a key part in implementation. Mental health initiatives are an important part of the processes that NOTE includes in our management system and these are set to grow.

We will be sharing regular updates on the progress so watch this space.